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Epic Blue Co.

We are career instructors - with THOUSANDS of hours instructing between us - there to guide you through every step of your aviation progression. We customize the Private, Instrument, Commercial, and even ATP learning requirements to suit your needs

Connecticut, Danbury Danbury Municipal Airport Danbury, CT 06810 United States

Connecticut Flight Academy

Learn to fly at CFA. The only school in Connecticut that has graduates from the U.S. and all over the world. With a modern fleet of school owned airplanes and experienced Instructors.

Connecticut, East Hartford Brainard Airport Hartford, CT 06114 United States

Premier Flight Center, LLC

Premier Flight Center is committed to providing our students with the highest quality of aviation training, products and services. Our standard is to ensure the highest level of honesty, integrity and a quality education that you will be able to utilize as a recreational or career pilot.

Connecticut, Hartford Hartford-Brainard Airport Hartford, CT 06114 United States

Robinson Aviation

For 20 years, Robinson Flight has been a premier flight training facility centrally located at Tweed New Haven Regional Airport.

Connecticut, East Haven Tweed New Haven Regional Airport East Haven, CT 06512 United States

Direct Connect Flight Academy

We provide an enriched learning environment that is designed to give students an advantage at achieving a pilot career. Our founders created DCFA with the idea that getting to the airline of your choice as quickly as possible and with airline-like training is paramount.

Colorado, Colorado Springs 1055 Aviation way Colorado Springs, CO 80916 United States

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