European Pilot Academy (EPA) is committed to providing a holistic aviation education experience. Besides receiving an in depth and professional tuition, our students are trained to focus by solving real-world challenges.
Luqa, Luqa Malta International Airport Luqa 4000 Malta
HubAir Ab Initio Integrated course - Airline pilots for Airline pilots.You will combine theory and flying from the very beginning and you will enjoy more flight hours than in any traditional integrated course. MORE TRAINING, BETTER PILOTS.
Luqa, Luqa Malta International Airport Luqa LQA 4000 Malta
For some, the sky is the limit.....but here at Sky People it is just the beginning. We pledge to provide the highest standards in guidance to aviation training at the most competitive prices on the island.
Luqa, Luqa Malta International Airport, Security Gate One Luqa 4000 Malta
Diamond Flight Training is a Registered Training Facility approved by the Malta Civil Aviation Authority under JAR Rules and provides PPL courses,night ratings and offers hour building packages.
Luqa, Luqa Malta International Airport Luqa 3290 Malta
Malta School of Flying (MSoF) was established in 2004 to provide the high-level aviation training services, which was not available in Malta at the time. Over the past years, myself has always been committed to delivering quality education to its students, in order for them to become skillful, professional and employable pilots.
Luqa, Luqa P.O. Box 49 Malta International Airport Luqa Malta